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Here is the translation of the dental conditions and when orthodontic treatment is recommended for a more even and harmonious smile:
1. Protruding Teeth:
When the lower jawbone is significantly pushed forward compared to the upper jawbone or when the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth, causing a facial asymmetry. Depending on the specific case, orthodontic treatment options to reduce protrusion or orthognathic surgery for jaw correction can be considered.
2. Overjet:
It is a condition where the teeth protrude outward and deviate from the normal jawbone and facial structure, preventing the proper closure of the lips or causing the lips to protrude. Overjet can be accompanied by an open bite and can occur in the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both jaws.
3. Diastema:
It refers to the presence of gaps between teeth, causing aesthetic concerns during smiling. Diastema can occur due to tooth loss, congenitally missing teeth, malformed teeth, etc. You can consider orthodontic treatment if the gaps are scattered throughout the dental arch, or dental veneers if there is a single gap.
4. Crowded Teeth:
It is a condition where teeth grow in misaligned positions, horizontally or vertically deviated from their normal positions. Overlapping or twisted teeth can lead to a skewed and deformed bite.
5. Deep Bite:
It is a misalignment of the bite where the upper and lower jaws are significantly imbalanced, resulting in an asymmetrical relationship. The lower jaw is pushed back and deeply overlaps the upper jaw.
6. Open Bite:
When the front teeth fail to make contact with each other, it creates a gap between the upper and lower teeth, and the tongue may be visible even when the mouth is at rest. The upper and lower teeth cannot meet each other.
7. Missing Teeth:
Tooth loss is one of the most significant issues affecting oral health and aesthetics. When one or more teeth are lost, the remaining teeth can shift to different positions, leading to problems with the bite, further tooth loss, tooth decay, and gum diseases.
Apart from the common types of dental conditions mentioned above, there may be other types of dental issues that affect your confidence when smiling or create difficulties in chewing food. It is advisable to visit a dental professional early on for an assessment and to determine the most suitable orthodontic or dental treatment options.

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  • Niềng răng mắc cài
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